Wait on the Lord

But they that wait by Tumabong Emmanuel is a Cameroonian Christian song with lyrics drawn from Isaiah 40:31. It is a call to have faith in God and be patient, for He is faithful and keeps His promises.

They that wait upon the Lord – Details

Title: They that wait upon the Lord (They shall like eagles)

Composer: Tumabong Emmanuel

Sheet music: Download

Key: B-flat

Time signature: 4/4, 2/4

Tempo: Allegretto

They that wait upon the Lord  – Description

The song begins with bass singing forte allegretto “they shall like eagles.” Tenor joins them at “they shall all walk and will never be weary”

Soprano and alto join in and sing counterpoint to tenor and bass in their first three bars. After a second round of tutti singing, there is a call-and-answer section.

The song ends poco rallentando – “And He will have your strength renewed, Amen”

The words of this beautiful song are from the book of Isaiah chapter 40:31, which says:

 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Read more about it here

They that wait upon the Lord – Lyrics

They shall like eagles be lifted on high,
They that wait upon the Lord
They shall all walk and will never be weary. They shall have their strength renewed 
But they that wait that wait but they that wait upon the Lord, that wait on the king of glory
Shall have their strength renewed

For He is patient, and He will guide you
So wait, just wait. So wait, just wait.
For He is able, so wait just wait
Let us wait upon the Lord, so wait upon the Lord
He will have your strength renewed, Amen

Wait on the Lord, they that wait upon the Lord

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