Lord for thy tender mercy's sake

Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake is a sacred anthem composed by Richard Farrant, with as source of text, Lidley’s Prayers, 1566.

It was first published in 1905 in The Anthem Book (No. 162) and can be sung as a SATB or ATTB A cappella.

The song is a short call to prayer for any time of the year that begins with a bass entrance and ends with a luscious Amen.

Lord for thy tender mercy's sake

Listen to the Samford A cappella Choir sing Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake. 

Understanding Mercy

God has revealed Himself to us as a God of mercy and grace. Understanding mercy is often difficult for people as we tend to be a generation of “I’ll get him for that” and “I hope they get what they deserve.” Many have developed a nature of harsh criticism and want others to get what they have coming to them and then some.

God, however, is merciful to even the vilest offenders, sinners, and law-breakers.

This means that even though He knows of our guilt, He doesn’t always issue the punishment deserved.

The word “Mercy” appears in the Bible about 512 times. In these instances, the Bible teaches us that God’s mercy is everlasting, tender, manifold, great, sure, plenteous, rich and abundant.

It is manifested to repentant sinners, returning backsliders, and those to whom God wills. It is manifested to God’s people in long-suffering.

We are urged to seek God’s mercy. To plead for it in prayer for ourselves and for others.

God’s mercy is new every morning and was manifested in the sending of Christ (Salvation), to those who fear him and to those He wills.

God’s mercy is a ground of hope and trust and we are joyful that he freely bestows it on us who are undeserving and have “fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

We are all sinners and do not meet the standards of righteousness that God intends us to have. But, through His mercy and grace, He provided a way for our sins to be forgiven through our acceptance of Christ Jesus—even though we don’t deserve it.

Coupled with grace (being given God’s free gift of forgiveness though we’ve done nothing to deserve it), mercy is shown because He loves us and only asks that we accept His Son by faith.

Here are other beautiful songs about God’s mercy and grace:

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